Selected Gift Store | 精選禮品店
AYAMICHI-YA (Old name: Nu-Doll), founded in 2020, a gift store in Macao offers reasonable price and fascinating gift-style products. We select homeware and house décor accessory from independent suppliers around the world.
#澳門禮品店 #Macaugift #澳門禮物
Theme Color: Amber|主題色:琥珀
「琥珀」代表著 “活力”、“繁榮”、“長壽”。 據說,由樹液製成的琥珀具有排出負能量和吸收正能量的能力,就像樹葉通過光分解水並產生氧氣一樣。 我們期待禮道的物品也可以如琥珀般,讓激活使用者的思想和體力,並為用家注入健康和活力。
“Amber” represents “vitality”, “prosperity” and “longevity”. Amber, made from tree sap, is said to have the ability to expel negative energy and absorb positive energy, just as leaves decompose water by light and produce oxygen. We expect that the items of Nu-Doll can also be like amber, which can activate the user’s mind and physical strength, and inject health and vitality into your soul.